What Do We Believe
Everyone believes something
New Life Centere' is not a traditional church, but being different does not negate biblical precepts. We believe unless two agree how can they walk together. Try to row a boat and both parties cannot agree which way to go. You would have chaos & confusion. God is not the author of confusion.
Below you will read our basic precepts on what we believe.
This is what holds us together
God is a God of order. He likes His house to run orderly. He holds people in authority accountable and responsible because they are under His authority. He does not tolerate sin in leadership. He demands we live a holy and consecrated life unto Him. He does not take lightly abusing the body and blood of Christ Hebrews 10:29
Therefore we do not encourage a large number of people to become teachers because teachers will be held to a higher standard. James 3:1. This includes musicians, worship leaders, choir, ministry of the arts. You not only teach with your gifting, but your life and your words. Let not any approach the holy space reserved for God with arrogance, pride or deceit.
We do not placate or bow down to religious systems. We recognize God as the sovereign authority over the church. All who function in the house are His servants. Matthew 20:28,Mark 10:45,John 13:1-17
We believe in all the gifts of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12. We also believe with the gifts must be evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:1-26. There is no toleration of gifting without fruit.
We believe signs & wonders will always accompany the preaching of the word without fail. Mark 16:20; Hebrews 2:4. This includes worship and the arts. If worship and the arts are God's voice to His people then we should anticipate and expect something to happen. People come to see God. People come to hear God. People come expecting to be healed, delivered and set free. They did not come to be entertained. Nor have we created a place for them to be entertained.
New Life Centere' is a place of ministry to the lost the dying the hopeless and disenfranchised. We are a healing place of things broken. God puts people's lives back together with a little help from us.
We believe that all leader servants will maintain an active prayer life. Not allowing ministry to become their job or a business. An active prayer life is a sign of growth with your spiritual connection with God. Ministry does not trump that relationship at any time.
We are invited into deep communion with God we must see this as a sacred event in our life.
All servant leaders will participate in communion and at times officiate.
We believe in accountability to an elder or senior saint. We believe in mentoring. We believe in discipleship not making converts.
Although there is biblical precedent for it, at this time we do not believe in any set people being deacons. All are servants of God who wish to minister in His house.
We believe any and all are welcome in God's house to hear the preaching and proclamation of God's word. We believe you are saved through a confession of Christ. We believe in Baptism of water and tongues.
We believe in divine miracles, speaking in tongues and prophecy. Let those who do these things in a public setting submit to the rules and conduct of the house. Let all things be written and all things judged before being proclaimed as a true word of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 14:29-32
We believe in missions doing community outreach. We believe in missions on a national and international level. We already established missions overseas. We believe in clothing the poor, feeding the hungry, visitation in homes, hospital and jails if requested. Matthew 25: 35-40
We believe in fasting and prayer. We are health conscious because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God only gave us one body. How can we preach if we ourselves are sick?
God created seasons for rest and pleasure. He has created us to be a family, to have food fun and fellowship.
We are serious about God as He is as serious about us and our success. He wants us to be successful in all we do, marriage, ministry and extended family included.
There is a lot more that we could say. But instead of reading, come and join us. Find out what Heaven is talking about. New Life Centere'.