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New Life Centere'

All of us have dreams, which equate to challenges and obstacles we must overcome to get the prize. We have found the dream Centere'.

When we asked the Lord about it He said, "I do miracles". 

He does them sovereignly and then He uses people. We are not sure how He is going to do it but we know He will. In the Spirit this is our property. Let's make a reality in the natural.

The New Ministry Base, Office & Home

Image Gallery

There is no  no better way to communicate than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get just as excited as we are. *Hover your mouse and picture becomes more clear with no words.

More pictures

Are you still dreaming with us?

All the pictures you are seeing are from the listing agent. We have yet to move in and put our signature touches on the place. We have many things to make this our home, office & church, but there are still so many things we don't have yet. Do keep us in prayer as we walk the walk of faith.


 Prayer Room


Below you will find a map to our location.

Our contact info and days and times of operation is also included as you scroll down.

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